Friday, 8 August 2008

3 days previous

bfore i went t indo i had a gud 3 days. th entires lack emotes n entertaining descriptions bcuz im typing this in a bad mood. sorry.
*edit: bt th last entry is all chirpy cz im in a normal mood, n i typed it when i got back t qatar xp

Monday 23rd June 2008

Surprise Party for MD.
I wz too busy at home working on iwan's farewell vid [which is no longer necessary cz he's staying] t help out with th others at nisa's, bt i dd get t visit them n check out wt they wer doin. they wer workin on md's album n stuff. of course ther wer nganggur ppl.
I thot th party wz at th clubhouse bt turns out it wz in DnF's. me n nisa ddnt get t finish our respected vids cz unfortunately we rele had t get th party going cz md [who ddnt kno anythin abt it thank God] wnted t go out t buy some food for her own planned party. it wz tough n confusing trying t stop her..
When I went t Dnf's th place wz packed. Lots of ppl wer workin on th album still n I wz just wandering around n talkin t ppl. Ther wer balloons n confetti sh**.
Finally MD wz seen walkin over t th door n we ALL got t th entrance area, nisa went outside i think carrying her camcorder n when md opened th door..
SURPRISE!!!! we all shouted. i think. lots of streamers wer popped bt ther wz just one tht ddnt, n for like 30 minutes we all fussed over it. MD's reaction wz very very surprised. She had tears in her eyes n kept sayin OMG n bla3 n stuff u know? Bt i wznt paying too much attention. I wonder how i'd react IF i EVER get my own surprise party.
Sooner or later we started eating. KFC obviously. I grabbed a seat next t fadhli or afif or God knows who on th couch n started munching away. Then fajar [who i wznt hating tht day] told me t scoot over n he sat next t me too n we talkd abt RO furiously until carisa came n joined in.. i think. I forget happy times.
Abid wz then sitting next t me. He wz eatin also. I wz lukin at my food when suddenly he pinched some of MY sauce! I wz like 'AGAFOHGHE kmu ini!' n those kinda stuff n i think i sed things abt germs n all.. I told him not t take more i believe. I rele forgot. Bt then after i continued eating ANOTHER piece of chicken flicked on my sauce n this time it wz fajar. I lukd at him in disbelief thinking 'DDNT U JUST SEE N HEAR ME N ABID?!' bt he just lukd at me with those serious eyes i never can reply to.
He left. N after a while i noticed tht it wz just me n abid on th same couch n we wer both just sitting down staring into space doing nothing too. I laughed n talkd abt tht matter with him, he smiled n stuff n md or someone exclaimed something, like 'o iy ya' or 'abid sma bs ngapain jg' bla3 idk. i bet we lukd emo.
We took a lot of pix n vids, n finally th confetti string wz pulled. Papers of different colours n streamers flew evrywher. It wz huge. Best for last.
Bt i had t go home n finish th video, so i went. Fajar n afif wer walkin in front of me. At home I wz just copying it into th CD n all when suddenly someone rang th bell n ocha who opened it sed 'its fajar n hamzah' n my reaction wz '... what?'
Yea, it wz them. In MSN i told fajar something n he misunderstood n ended up with hamzah on my doorstep. They wer playing RO i guess. Hamzah bcame a fan tht day. I told them tht i finished th vid n wud they like t c it? n urged them t come in. Bt in th distance i saw carisa too so we waited for her n so th 4 of us scrambled inside.
After watching n laughing [hamzah wz utterly embarassed at his part *laugh*] they went back t dnf's bt i stayed.
Later on i found out tht some ppl wer gathering at iwan's, some at nisa's. Th nisa ppl wer just tryin t save her video which ddnt work, n th iwan ppl wer DDR-ing. I brot th video t th iwan household n watched DDR-ers n shoved th CD at yoes saying 'come on luk at it'.
Ppl went outside insted. Took pix, bla3. n finally we watched th vid. Evrybody laughed n im glad t get tht reaction from them. When tht wz done i think at nite i went t dnf's n watched TV n karaoke-ed with farah. dhea n md n nisa wer swimming. Ther wz even th Isyna boys.

Tuesday 24th June 2008

CC Mania
Another day tht cant repeat. In th car i wz smsing hamzah bt since my pulsa wnted t run out i ddnt bother replying anymore. He then calld n i wz surprised bt then i heard a familiar voice on th other line, fajar. I remembered in 2007/2006 when we wer gunna ice skate fajar calld me askin wher i wz bt i wz walkin rite towards him n after he turned around n saw me we laughed n closed our phones.
Not evryone wz ther yet so we went t th Food Court n spammed burger king bt i bot McD ice cream insted [tho i tuk some chicken fries from th others later]. Ther wz me md nisa indra dhe3 dnf umzah fajar n iwan. Indra sat with us girls wth.
Then CC came so we rampaged t th rink. We made a terrible fuss cz of th timing n i forgot bt i think argument wz spread over. Arya came. N i think me n fajar wer arguing too. Later me n iwan wer watching some chefs cook something from a restaurant kitchen's window. Finally we bot th tickets n skated.
Yes im sure me n fajar argued over something cz for half an hour we ddnt even skate tgether nor say anything t each other. Iwan n arya wernt skating bcuz arya has something against ice n iwan wz just keeping him company. they bcame bag counters. :D
Me n cania skated around th rink with a stopwatch keeping track of how fast we cud go. Then i invited hamzah n he wz faster than me. >.>
We skated n often sat down t talk or drink or eat n stuff. Ppl wer eating waffles n nachos.
Mothers n children came after a while n i wz lukin for my camera n mom who wz upstairs pointed at tnte lisna who wz downstairs. t my surprise fajar wz with her n i nervously skated twards him/tnte lisna n he held out his hand which had my camera hanging off it n smiled. So i did. After tht incident we started talkin n skating tgether again as if nothing happened bfore.
I tuk lotsa videos n in th end we had a group pic. It wz a nice skating session. Maybe better than last year, sorta.
Bt th day ddnt end ther. When we wer done we walked t th cinema area wanting t watch something i believe bt after so much fuss over which movie [n th lack of money too] t watch, me indra dhea dhe3 n fajar went t check th bowling alley. It wz me n fajar's idea i think.
We had a totally awesome time. XD when i think abt it i rele gotta smile. as we walked t th elevator dhea n indra kept being tgether so me dhe3 n fajar wer discussing tht matter n joking n talkin n stuff. In th elevator we ridiculously made attempts t take pictures bt when we reached at th bottom we hadta stop. Th picture wz messed up.
When we went inside th alley it wz packed T__T bt th elevator wz deserted o___O so we tried t take more pictures XD n once when it stopped at a floor n ther wz no one we hurriedly tried t close it bt JUST a few inches bfore th door closed we saw a person trying t go in XDXDXDD we wer so crazy. th resulting picture wz very wonderful tho.
On th way back dhea n indra wer alone again so me dhe3 n fajar out of th blue tuk a picture tgether bt failed. It wz funny XD n fajar actually wnted to o__o;; lately he dusnt mind being in pictures. turns out md n th others wer at claire's so we went ther with high spirits n even tuk pix at th escalator. XD we ddnt let others be in th pic later on. n finally me dhe3 n fajar tuk a nice pic in fronta claire's with th help of carisa :] we reported th bowling matter t md n she decided t traktir evryone t th chinese shanghai restaurant. *oh ya i forgot when bt some of us wer acting very stupid by flinging our hands at th restaurant sign as if we wer magicians when it lit up. XD i have th vid t explain. i think it wz umar's idea.
Arya went home sometime after tht or wtever n i sed my last bye t him. Bt now i think byes r for suckers.
Since some of us ddnt wanna eat shanghai bla3, we went t Xtreme world on our own. n by 'we' i meant fajar hamzah umar cania dhe3 n myself. It wz a splendid time. actually, it wz splendid cz me n dhe3 made it t be. we kept laughing n acting very dumb. unforgetful moments~ at first us girls played DDR bt then we watched umar n fajar play some shooting game tht wz very.. horror. hamzah wz just sitting down on a thing n playing with some ski game moving his legs around veeery funnily. After they went me n cania tried i think n th boys went t play some other shooting game. we stalkd em afta. *videos n pix shall describe me n dhe3's doing /gg
I got hungry tho n wnted t buy kfc, so me n dhe3 left cania with th boys n bot kfc. Bt THEN we saw a dreaded sight. Umzah hadta go home! Glek. I rushed over t them n urged for us t take a group pic first bfore leaving. they followed my order o___o;; n we tuk a happy-lukin pic on a table in fronta kfc. ;b then th twins left.
Us girls n fajar walked back t th shanghai restaurant tgether i think. n when all wz done we went home.. i believe. I forgot. At home i played RO i bet.

Wednesday 25th June 2008

Last Day in Qatar bfore goin t Indo
Ther wer no pictures t describe tday bt thers always RO screenshots n my bad memory, bt i cant possibly forget cz it wz very special for me.
Well, from morning til 4/5PM, all i dd wz play RO with evryone, n i mean EVRYONE. I wz hating fajar in th afternoon cz he kept ignoring me n he wz always screaming umar n cania n this n tht, never me .__. I got upset, of course, n ignored back. bt me n hamzah had some fun with th mushrooms n lord of noobs n all, DDNT WE HAMZAH? *note, thts read with a threatening tone
so, cania came t my house thruout midday btw, we played RO next t each other :b we then found out tht they wer makin sushi n stuff in dnf's house, n we dcided t go ther. oh yes, i also got an early bday present [i think] from th isynas, i like it a lot :]
in dnf's, all i dd wz utilise th internet n see pictures, bcuz i had no idea how t make sushi plus md n dhea n others wer already working on it. XD they wer waiting for iwan mostly, who sed he wnted t help. i think at tht time ther wz indra alredy, or dd he come later?
th bell rang, n th sudarsana brothers [well thts not their family name actually, bt i like callin em tht] stepped in n instantly me n fajar glared at each other, bt he sat bhind me anyhow. n idk how, bt he started t talk t me n i just accepted tht by replying, n bfore u knew it we wer.. having a conversation! again, as if nothing happened. we're both pretty stupid, i gotta admit.
then we turned on th karaoke n evrybody kept fighting over th book [i think], hamzah especially tuk over th book longest thruout th day bt he ddnt even sing >__>;; *duh. anyway, th isynas just came in when we started, n fajar calld umar 'u-mar' [i used t call him tht! bt well, not AT him] so when i chose some song n th lyrics had 'you' at th end, i added th 'mar', so 'i miss u' turns out into 'i miss u-mar' XDXDXD it wz very funny n ppl laughed, yes. :D i wonder if tht boy minded /gg
sososo, since we came at 5-ish maghrib came over soon afta n th boys went t th masjid as th rest.. d sushi wz already done bt i ddnt eat it i think, idk y =p well anyhow i asked permission t get a pencil/pen n paper t draw, i sat in front of th computer lukin at iRO's website for rogue reference >] oh ya sometime bfore maghrib we all huddled over t luk at md's album. i think. God i forgot x.x
when th boys came back [i think umar ddnt come back boohoo], my baka bro grabbed a chair n sat next t me n started drawing his assassin. we wer both seriously drawing when hamzah dcided t do so too bt on ze dinner table. fajar wz then told t go home at 7-ish or wtever, n i hoped tht he'd come back. i migrated t th dinner table afta, n soon cania joined us, well just talking t hamzah mostly bt she wz ther. th rest wer doing other stuff idk wt, they wer random. oh yes, i think it wz finishing iwan's album o=
hamzah drew ravi n kanda i think, n he started doodling stuff on another piece of blank paper, farah fussed so much abt wasting paper this tht >__>;; well anyhow, while us 3 wer chattering away farah told me tht fajar wz lukin for me n he kept askin 'bs msi dsitu' bla3 n stuff, i wz very touched. he came back ~ n joined us anak ke-2s ex.farah at ze table.
i finished th me rogue fajar assassin drawing n started doodling on hamzah's sketch paper. while we wer drawing, we talkd abt various stuff idk wt, bt it wz very fun =D
when th drawing session wz done we just .. watched TV? yeah thts it. hamzah hadta go home, n i sed farewell. *flutters tissue about* well, i think th only ones watching TV wz me cania n fajar - zack & cody 8D. bt we felt started t feeltired n sleepy so we ddnt say too much. nisa wznt ther btw, she hadta do something idk wt. anyway after hamzah left something happened n tis a secret :D *cept hamzah knows, DONT U HAMZAH?
oh yes, at some point i asked indra when he's gunna tell me who he likes n stuff n he sed i havta wait n c cz hes gunna tell in ze airport. *he sed tht in chat actually* LE GASP! i wz shocked in ze chat. he's gunna antar us t th airport?!?! i kept complaining in dnf's house later tht i ddnt want him t be th last person i see in qatar. XD lol.
well, at around 9PM or something i wz told t go home, bt cania wz coming with me cz she hadta get her back n all. rite at tht point fajar lukd very moody, i think its cz he wz tired or sleepy or something bt maybe cz of something else.. after sayin bye t carisa [i thot she wz gunna stay longer so i sed simple stuff bt turns out i ddnt meet her afta TAT], dnf [theyre gunna antar us so i ddnt make a big deal outta it], n iwan, i sed bye t fajar, waved, bla3, anything t get him t reply. bt he afta lukin at me for a few secs he turned away twards th TV n ddnt say anything. )= i wz rele upset n when we stepped outta th house cania told me tht maybe its cz he feels very sad he dusnt wanna make it worse by sayin anythin t me? somethin like tht.
at home, evrythin wz covered in newspaper already. i got an sms from hamzah, n told md who wz in th storage room, she wz crying a bit i think. )= cania pamitted n sed bye t my family, bt i decided t walk her back t th house =p when she opened th door i peeked inside n saw fajar lying down on th couch lukin at me with tired/miserable eyes. n tht wz th last i saw of him til tday, 8th august~ *th day i typed this part of th entry XD
i played in th laptop after packing up n clearing away evrything for th last time. nisa went online n told me she wz gunna antar me too! great, we can say bye properly~ we chatted a while until she ddnt reply suddenly [i think]. fajar went online at 10:30 n he just went home at tht time. he sed he wz rele tired, bt he wnted t antar me t th airport too cz iwan wz gunna. i wz bewildered at tht idea bt th boy sed his mom ddnt allow him cz its too late T___T i urged him n stuff bt in th end he ddnt reply n i knew he wz already in bed.
it wz 12, i think, n iwan indra dnf n nisa wer already outside. ther wz dnf n nisa's car, all us kids huddled inside inside nisa's with om bidin, whilst ocha n my parents went t dnf's =p iwan n indra sat in th middle, nisa at th front. she recorded n tuk pix of us from th front, they lukd horrible. XD i wz in fear of wt indra wud say. in th journey we talkd abt stuff which of course i forgot abt.
when we reached, all th luggages wer sent off n very quickly we hadta go in. i sed my byes normally like evry year with my friends, bt dhea of course hadta hug XD *i think. so, all those sekompond ppl left [glek iwan th only guy], bt indra stayed of course, n talkd t md n all. i went inside th airport first - he ddnt say wt he sed he wud! *sigh* i knew tht guy cant keep his word.
n so, th flight went off very fine, i watched august rush and horton~ bfore i knew it i reached indo safe n sound, alhamdulillah =p hopefully u all kno im afraid of planes. XD

u kno i find it very odd how me n fajar wer like enemies in th mornin n afternoon bt like best friends [i think its cz we r] in th evenin n nite. God, we are stupid o__O;;