Thursday, 27 March 2008


to makkah, madinah n riyadh of saudi arabia.

hopefully in my trip ill draw LOADS.
*bsides filling out igcse papers



one of em is fajar, duuuuh!
mksih for all th smiles n stupid commentaries u gave me tday in kempo, th car and msn. ihahia. xD i shall never forget th fact tht u actually curhat with me.

i shall doa asal2an for most of u.
bt i will try t remember farah's doa also :'DD

i wnted t stay, u know.

Monday, 24 March 2008

San de Mun de

Sunday 23rd March

Ehh. Tday i wnted t do my h/w bt icha came n told me t go t iwan's house! @____@;; erghh.
Anyhow we did roboticyhi stuff x.x; We discussed th period 1 which i havta get t work on rite now bt God am i so not bothered .. It wz just me fajar iwan indra icha n md. Icha n md n fajar wanted t go t villaggio, not me cz well, dnf n nisa ddnt wanna go either.
So, after discussing we ate tnte siwi's cooking n then i doodled.
Icha n md n fajar left at like 2 or 1? i forgot. dhea also came in so loudly and norakly; she made me wanna SLAP her xD
Since i wnted t grab my math h/w and sholat, i went home and stayed ther for an hour or so. Th boys wer ice skatin btw.
When i went back t iwan's house ther wz nisa n frh o:
Dhea wz reading her Gadis magazine ever so norakly and loudly t indra n iwan probably.
Nisa wz makin somethin out of th robotics parts. Iwan n indra wer SOOO SLOW at their work! They ddnt even improve when i came back xD *just a bit
Anyway, me n frh then watched th TV, it wz so funny xD Bcuz most of th channels wer FRENCH! and we watched a video tht wz rele mirip like Kelly ! o: We kept laughing n laughing n once i tried t tickle farah's armpits bcuz in one of th music videos .. y gtu deh xD
Nisa iwan indra n dk wer in iwan's room talkin n laughin abt God knows wt :]
Me n frh went in ther after gettin bored of th tv. we observed fajar's shelf, ckckck it wz so damn messy! well wt du u expect a guy's room t be? :b
Ok so, as th others talkd n stuff, me n frh cleaned up his shelf. We lukd at all of his books, n we noticed tht he drew in every single one. On random pages, doodles wer evrywher. Nice, neat, small and cute. I wz totally amazed. He rele likes drawing :]
Well, cleaning it up tuk a lot of time bt i enjoyed it cz i got t c fajar's doodles i never saw bfore :] i got free candy too. indra left at like 4 or somethin and since iwan's th only guy we dcided t leave.
Trnyata ad ngaji toh! So we went t dnf's n ngaji-ed, then me n frh played tennis whilst dk n nisa walkd around th court tellin stories n such. Th boys already went home - well umzah + khalid tht is.
Me n frh tuk a walk 10 minutes bfore maghrib n played with Aleesha n Rumeisa, however u spell their names. They followed us xD
After maghrib, me ocha farihah n md went t villaggio. i bot stuff. and therfore i only had 42 riyals left, how poor i am. i stayed ther til 9 and then went online n drew til around 1am?

Monday 24th March

CC watchin dayy =]
I chatted with hamzah if he wz goin and at first he sed he cudnt bt hurra2 he wz able t make it ~
I wnted t do my h/w in ze morgen bt i ddnt ._. i shud have )'x
i went outside out my house at around 11AM and lukd t my left t find hamzah walkin t fajar's. i wz walkin t nisa's xD he wz alone, and i asked wher umar n khalid n wtevers wer and he sed they wer already at fajar's. he wz empty-handed, n i asked him for somethin which he sed he wz gunna give me at tht time - he forgot xD he started turning back t fetch it bt i sed 'no no just give it t me later'.
in nisa's house fadhli n slmn wer peacefully watchin spongebob xD
Anyway we brngkt-ed with tnta leesna , n when we reached we sholated, met up with indra n andin n anti n karin n tresa.
At th cinema, me n nisa n tresa n kids wnted t wtch spiderwick, bt th others wnted t watch 10k BC. Oh well :b
Th boys wer still in fajar's house! I furiously reminded them tht th movie starts at 1 *for th spiderwickies'*, so they better hurry! Me n nisa shared a KFC snack box and munched away til 12:30pm.
We 5 went t buy tickets n popcorn n waited for umzah n fajar, th ppls tht wnted t watch with us. Bt they ddnt come and it wz already 1pm, so we just strode off.
I smsed hamzah as t whereabouts they r, bt theyre still on th way or wtever reason it wz. Theyre missin th movie! At around 1:30, THEN they came, bt he sed they wernt allowed t come in =___+;; thts bcuz u guys wer late x.x wt wer they doin so long in fajar's house anyway?
Bt thank God for them, they got in anyway. i told hamzah t sit in D18 19 20 and wew they actually did! XD we wer across at 17 16 15 14 and 13.
Something seemed t fall on th floor bt me n nisa cudnt quite figure out wt it wz o: ther wz a thud noise.
She kept yelping and being scared, makin up fraidy-cat poses tht made me go 'y ampun nisa' and those stuff.
I kept coughing as i ate ze popcorn. and when i saw 2 men leaving even when th movie wznt so close t finishing, me n nisa laughed XD i mean, bpk2s wtchin spiderwick? XD it seemed funny xD
We 2 also laughed at th funny flower thingies tht surrounded th man at th end XD it lukd so dumb! Th movie wz nice anyway, i liked th story :] th main character's a rebel :b
It finished at 2:30pm and we waltzed off twards th food court. I asked hamzah if th movie wz th same as th book, and he sed th book had more stuff, and th ones left out wer necessary o:
Nisa wz lukin for her hp. Bt it wznt in her bag, or anywher. Or near th place wher we ate tht afternoon. And then we remembered.. th thud! maybe it wz th hp tht fell! we both thot. So we ran t cinema 6 and and when we lukd at th floor of our seats th hp wz ther ~ ;D thank God it made a loud sound, and tht we noticed! =D
Th others wer eatin pizza n stuff, then we talkd abt who's goin home with who n wt. Tnte ita wz gunna go home earlier so i dcided t go with her o: and nisa too.
we all split up, bt me n frh followed umzah fajar hariz n iwan down th travelator :b they went t carrefour apparently =___+;; so we went back up n lukd at mango, vera moda, and all those adult shops tht i hardly go to. then we ended our day at city lifestyle bfore goin with tnte ita at 4~ turns out all th boys go with tnte siwi, and all th girls with her :]
in th car we talkd abt stuff n stuff. dnf sang old songs tht made us all laugh :b

So, tht wz tht! =D time t be miserable n do h/w ._.

Saturday, 22 March 2008




AAAANYWAY i shall never forget wt it is :b

tday we finally dd th nasyid competition n won 2nd place, NO ALHAMDULILLAH XD it wz in th kbri yo. th juniors got 3rd place n th al-khorians got 1st.

most of th ppls went t this dumb iTB meeting thingy
me n dnf n afdal + co. went t th kbri
i ate til i got bloated and talkd abt stuff with dhea
then we wer invited by afdal t come and sit with him
and i strummed on iqbal's guitar with afdal next t me strummin along faariz's *i think
and it wz just me dhea farah aulia dinda afdal and .. dita
aulia n frh wer so mirip with each other XD they kept laughing n all
boii fariz bambang n buday came later on and we all started talkin with each other, abt my nickname, genders, fitnah, loads. we teased each other a lot too :b
and fariz + boi + afdal played with their guitars ever so cooly *_____*
basically thts it bt i rele liked tht nite ~

i kept smiling n smiling :]

Wednesday, 12 March 2008

bakta skullz

i returned t school tday =\

th only gud parts wz tht i skipped p.e. and i was able t talk t fajar :iconzgmf-x10afreedom: again ~
yeah, i mention him a lot these days, bt he's always been important anyway

soo .

i went out of my house and rite bfore passing lil bro's door he appeared, greeting me with an enormous smile i cudnt possibly not reply to xD;; in th car i filled out a few answers to my bio h/w bt since i wz still quite dizzy i looked out at th view.
when i arrived i ddnt get a huge sambutan obviously, therfore me n nisa resided as she told me a story. i predicted tht she will play football in p.e. when they clearly know theyre gunna do handball xD

iCT: finished off exam paper in like 20 minutes then completed french h/w. i ate panadol here n afterwards i felt fine 8]
p.e.: attempted t finish bio h/w bt failed cz i cudnt answer a lot of th questions. they wer doing indoor rounders and sometimes i watched. i wz sitting so relaxed, with my feet on a chair xDXDXD

breaktime - mom told me not t stand by th sunshine , n when i noticed tht th girls wer sitting rite on a hot spot, i refused t join em n wandered around tech block lookin for mr.gray and mr.carver. oh yeah, i finished my c/w last nite at 11:45 or something. it wz a miracle, and i feel so relieved. he accepted it saying 'oh great!'. not sarcastically. when th bell rang i sprung to th boys block and found fajar holding a bag of fruits grinning for no reason, he offered me and i rejected duh *cz i cant eat fruits*.

english: pure emo session x.x;; sammy kept talkin t saba so all i did wz doodle n listen t th teacher going on abt some exam question i dont bother t do =\

bio: this lesson wz a lil more fun. nolan showed us a video called uhh.. ok now i forgot bt it had an allusion to Star wars and it wz hilarious i kept laughing xD. i was also attracted to one of her videos entitled 'fainting goats' and i asked if we cud c and when she showed us, i laughed soooooooo hard. it wz HILARIOUS!!!!!!! and it wz REAL FAINTING GOATS too!! XD God i cudve laughed forever.

breakbreakbreak nothing special

french: usual boring french work abt books and stuff. for th 1st time ever mr.eyre came into th room and i wz like 'EYRES UNITE' and i wz so shocked cz i NEVER EVER saw them tgether . well maybe once or something bt yeah wtever. mr.eyre wz saying 'je suis un petit pois' with th most stupidest accent and then ms.eyre made a comeback of 'no ure a huge vegetable' and i remarked 'no wonder theyre married' xDXD

after school we dd robotix, i tried lukin for fajar + yusmawan *ok lol i dont wanna call him tht anymore stop it stop- bt fajar's phone wont answer so yeah ._. i wnted him ther cz robotix isnt noisy without him ~ so anyway, in ther we learnt abt th competition by icha , and for th rest of th 'lesson' i played with th whiteboard and bugged iwan as he used th teacher's PC and i just wandered around askin questions. im gunna be a documenter with carisa. well, im pretty sick of typing analysis stuff cz of geo c/w experiences, bt its better than programming har2. trent wnted t kick/hit me and i gestured for him t do so if he wills and he did xD with his shoe too. of course i kicked back! i complimented tht his hair luks soft and he ends up saying 'so wt' and i got all moody saying 'g suka ya klo bs compliment' and i slumped off. bt i rememberd tht he wz hungry so i gave him my curly fries =D later, at 2pm or bla3, me cania n nifa went out t th boys block so tht we cud sholat bt i wz too busy having a business-y convo with lil bro . he wz showing me his artbook 8) he seemed t have a different style O: ahh we talkd a lot tday and it felt great x]

when we 3 wer praying, me and cania wer in raka'at ke-3 or 4 or something. as we gradually did each step, we both noticed tht we wer doing it at th same time XD so when i sujud she sujud, when i ruku' she ruku', it wz so AT TH SAME TIME tht we both stiffled our laughter n after our salams EXPLODED XDXDXDXDD it wz sooooooo funny i tell u!! XDXD hopefully th laughter + smiles we kept in wer still sahh xD *amin2

in th car i read my old comic ice cream globe which i oh so miss terribly. i kept laughing cz of how stupid it is xD ah, i wanna make comics again.

i guess going t school isnt so bad after all, sorta. at least i know someone out ther tht can make me happy =]
and oh yes, if ure wonderin y my mood is 'worried', its a secret. ;] *only fajar knows >D

edit: no, school is still bad.

Monday, 10 March 2008


after battling 4 days of all th sicknesses mentioned below, im finally feeling better alhamdulillah
lemme tell u a little secret, i actually prayed t get sick, since ages ago, january i think,
bcuz of a reason which only afdal knows.
im gunna tell somebody else soon

i will never pray t be sick ever again. i understand how it feels now.

i still need t finish my geo c/w .__.;;


March 9th entry
my weekend wz horrible ..

sick for 3 days..
vomited 4x
slept for hours n hours
throat infection
couldnt smile
couldnt laugh
couldnt kempo
couldnt play outside
couldnt use th laptop
couldnt get out of bed most of th time
couldnt finish my food, 1 krispy kreme donut i cud only finish 1/3 of for God's sake

i only laughed when i watched aquamarine with CC on friday, n when rania n ocha talkd idiotically on saturday.

but.. i wanna say 5 quick sentences..

mksih bu for takin care of me thruout. <3

mksih fajar, for evrything uve done and sed since ive been like this. u made me cry in kempo, bt u always wipe away th sadness so fast. bs sayang bgt sma kmu. =]

gpp deh, if u cant say th same. :b

Thursday, 6 March 2008

1:37 AM

Hi, it's 1:37 AM rite now.

I'm working on my -insert swear word here- Geography Project.
It must be between 20-50 pages long.
So far I've done 14 with 2 blank pages which = 12.

I'm doomed.

Bt hey, he sed tht if nothing falls on his head tday then he will be in a gud mood n mite let us give it in on Sunday, as long as wt we've done so far is gud.
I find wt i've done so far excellent.
I made evrything as pretty and tidy as I could, and i just need t do 2 more 15-marked questions, one of which is called Data Collection which is something I shall finish over th next 1hr 30 mins - bcuz at 3:30-4:00AM my parents wud be awake t prepare for Sahur and I dont want them t catch me ..

anyway, i think i cried 3x yesterday. uhuh.
it wz my record. one of th reasons wz my music videos called 'Come Out and Play' and 'Walking Disaster'. COnP just made my eyes blur but WD made me all teary eyed n stuff.
Th reasons as t y i cried can be found in my chat log with th Human.

Ughhh, i'm so tired. I rele wanna sleep, or at least eat some Krispy Kreme donuts, bt i must finish at least 55/60 of this project. . no .. DX at least im not th only one stayin up.. iman and shaza r too :b

I pray to Allah that mr.carver will let me hand my project in on Sunday, amiin amin amin amin.

it's 1:45 AM now, and i shall take a donut break. then continue t suffer ;______;
ONCE I GET THIS PROJECT OVER WITH .. one of my troubles shall be gone.
bt oh, i have yet another t work out. TT________TT

Sunday, 2 March 2008

9 Months Warranty ; Heartbreak Guarantee

If I made a band or hadta name one, I'd call it '9 Months Warranty' and their 1st single would be 'Heartbreak Guarantee'. I think it sounds nice. Don't take it. XD

Why 9 months? It's my personal secret. :]



Th only interesting thing tht happened tday wz us goin t th circus =\
Bt bfore I get into th day, lemme describe my dream. I forgot if I got this dream on thursday or friday, bt wtever la, i shall raconte it.

we wer all sumwher. I was lukin for fajar, really worried as t wher he wz. I searched everywher, literally. I was abt t break down but I decided t call him and he ANSWERED! he appeared next to me all of a sudden and i ws so happy. who wudnt ? :'D well maybe its just me. cz nobody cares abt fajar like i do ;]
th next part of th dream, i wz takin tht boy sumplace. th roads had lots of coniferous trees bside em and for some odd reason ther wz nobody at th driver's seat even tho th car wz goin at normal speed.
Fjr pointed tht out t me and i bgan steering bt still on th passenger side XD
then something weird and kinda tragic happened, which wz tht fajar seemed t morph into those mutants like in Hills Have Eyes and i seemed t know it wz gunna happen, so i opened th window and threw him out th road o_____o;; I climbed over t th driver's seat and looked out th window and saw Fajar lying on th road with blood all over th place. Na'udzhu bila himin zalik.
ther wer more stuff goin on in tht dream, like how I went t a bathroom which wz at th end of a long, narrow dark red corridor and bcuz I got scared I told ocha t come in with me and for some odd reason a classmate of mine tht i dont even talk to wz ther also.


me n frh wer rele excited n tried t invite evrybody t go ~ bt ther wer a lot of mix ups abt th CC ppl and th circus ppl . Bt we ended up winning anyway.
I had a lil dispute with fajar; he sed he wud go [t frh] bt then when he chatted with me he sed no n i wz going on and on at him. Turned out he wz just kidding =______+;; i wz already sad ! x.x
Anyway. At like 5 or wtever we went t play outside, bt me n nisa wer so hyped up talkin abt Matthew and Ryan Lush [theyre twins n i like Ryan even tho he's just a fake :'DD] tht we dcided t go inside t watch >o<>If u wanna watch th video, go here : [link] & [link] find it effin hilarious XD Part Deux is better than th 1st btw ~

At 6 I went t Hyatt Plaza along with Farihah, Asyraf, Ocha, Om Imam's family + DnF's family. We went t Kiddy Zone t buy Asyraf's present :] I met Nisa n Andin ther .
Extremely dying of hunger, I travelled to th food court back first. Ther wz th Isynas, Dhia, Salma n Dhe3 already. CC then came, I think. We ate our food, n then at around 7:30pm rushed to th tent.
I fought with Dhe3 to sit next t Nisa. Bcuz rele, all day we sed tht we'd sit next t each other t watch Ronald's cousins [me n her had a laugh abt tht and my preference over elephants than lions and Cloverfield]. Nisa ddnt even say anything =_____+;; It makes me think she duznt care abt our lil promises. Or our friendship )": So yeah, i get sad thinkin it over. Im never tht special or worth fighting for am I?
Bt we wer th only ones tht ended up laughing throughout 1/2 of th show anyhow, so I guess it wz a gud thing we sat next t each other. Y wudnt it be anyway?

Th circus wz rele nice. Ive seen some stuff like em but not in a proper spectacle, and not Russian too. Oh yeah, one of th jokes me n nisa kept laughin abt wz tht wtever we sed abt them we added 'Bcuz they wer Russian' at th end XDXDXD It wz sooo baka! e.g. 'Ahhh that person looks cool!' 'Bcuz he's Russian.' xDXD
I filmed most of th performances and took oh so blurry pictures. x.x;; Oh well.
It lasted from 7:45Pm or wtever to 9:30, bt ther wz a session wher we cud hold th snakes and take pictures or climb up the .. swingy thingy, bt I chose t do th snakes. I wz with Andin, and i dunno y rele. Bt i wz th one tht bot th picture, for QR 20. And I lukd horrible in it . Im not even pretty, so y need I mention tht exactly?
I wz rele nervous btw i think thts y i destroyed th only gud feature of myself - my smile. bt well, yeah, im th one tht gets t keep th picture so andin duznt havta glance at my hideous face.

I went home with Om Imam with Dhea n nisa n their family. Th weather wz rele cold outside.
I stayed up chatting with arya from like 10 til next month [march XD] at 3AM. Yeah. It wz a fun chat tho, it always is. Too bad he duznt talk t me in real life >.>;;
Oh yeah, just when i wz turning off th laptop dad emerged from his room and my heart stopped and I thot i wz gunna be in EXTREME TROUBLE bt he just asked 'dah tidur wok?' *or however u spell it* and i sed 'uhh, no.' and he repeated his question and I repeated my answer and went weww thats close and ran to bed.


In KAIFA nisa wz yet again taken by Dhe3 and cania. oh she rele duznt care abt our old memories.
i sat with mater and drew a collaboration pic with her whilst evrybody else wer presenting abt scholars of Islam.
We wer then told abt th story of Nabi Yusuf ~ It wz a very interesting story indeed. XD She knows an analogy abt how th humans' looks are divided up as a pie chart.
50% belong t Nabi Yusuf, 25% to Nabi Muhammad SAW and th other 25% given to th entire human race. o______o;;
Thts how gud looking Nabi Yusuf is? i went. i started smirking, thinkin of th guy i think is th best looking ive ever seen in my entire life. If he's tht gud looking, imagine Nabi Yusuf XD I wish I can see tht Prophet guy. *amiin :]
Towards th end Tnte Lina explained t us abt how she wants us t perform our talents or wtevers next or next 2 weeks. I sed i wz gunna draw a picture and show them my Sekompond music video. XD *th come out and play one, cz its much more entertaining. i can make a new one this week, of course, bt im a busy person as of now so i guess i cant. Unless I try to finish th entire thing on thursday + friday, which is rele impossible knowing tht I try t make all my works t th highest standard i can achieve.

Last + this week, evrytime our car passes by th Isyna household, they always seem t be doin their housework XD It makes me smile :b
At 2 or 2:30PM, it wz time for asyraf's bday party. i dont bother describing it bcuz i have th pictures, bt i noticed something while i wz sitting next t 1st fadhli then fajar, hitting each other with balloons n annoying one another. I also observed Umar as he fiddled with th balloons, alongside watching wt wz goin on with th McD ppl who came late.
Outside, we sat and ate and talked about Indonesia n Qatar. Me n nisa wer +Qatar and th rest wer +Indonesia. Umar made no comment wtsoever. I think he prefers Qatar tho :b Glad someone's on my side.

So! it wz kempo time, which we left at 6 and came extremely late at 6:45 - bt who cares, cz they wer just warming up anyway. Ther wz no Fajar n iwan bcuz 1.Fajar's toe's skin got ripped and so he cant come sniff sniff 2. iwan's gotta do his h/w.
Too bad they ddnt come, cz we ate bakso made by our own Sensei Jodi after we finished doing Ryusui Geri and Giiwaken[g] daichi defense.
I kept singing Dewa19 - Elang out loud and emphasising it whenever i came near th boy who had tht name.
tht guy calls my name a lot and me liike . ;D bcuz tht shows tht he wants t say something t me , and it just makes me feel tht im acknowledged by someone ive only met for like 2 months ^^ it feels great ~ at one time when i wz going t get myself a bowl of noodles he even poked me lightly on th shoulder t say tht he'd seen my sister bfore. he's like a fajar ~ bt on th 'hot' *as dhe3 n i say it >D side. and bsides, no-one can outmatch my bro . except, just 1.

Oh yeah tday or wz it yesterday, i found a band called 'We the Kings'. they sound like boys like girls sorta, bt i like em a lot too >o<>Dimanche

Another day, another time at school.
.________. I just wanna go home. like wt sammy did in french, bcuz her stomach or wtever wz aching.
In tht horrendous lesson i sat with shaza, for once, unlike usual wher we sit alone - bt i sit closer t shaza than t sammy who's on my left. we both doodled whilst talkin abt th most perverted things any girl cud talk abt. XD XDXD bt it wz rele funny! we talkd abt th topic bfore in chat like yesterdays ago bt we continued it tday with more interesting infos.
she keeps admitting tht i like this guy which i dont x____x;; and when i drew legs on my french roleplay paper she sed tht they lukd seductive and she made up th most ridiculously disgusting dialogue ever tht goes something like 'Im coming -insert his name here' 'Ill be waiting in bed Syania' and if only i cudve hit her XDXDXD bt it wont affect those brick arms of hers. she's too manly t get hurt bcuz of another person. bt if she hurts herself it takes a long time t heal and i shud know y. XD

Oh yeah, in english, some yr12 girls wnted t c our literature works, anything - poems, stories, wtever. Shaza all of a sudden blurted out tht i make poems n th girl got interested n so i relucantly printed out some of my poems, a short story, and th exam paper question which is my latest deviation and gave it t her after school.
Th isyna family ex. Om hanif rode in our [nisa's] car, just up until th petrol station tht is. in th car we ate ice cream, chips, sour punk, and .. yeah thts it XD it wz like some sort of food fest. i wz rele full :b *kiinnda.

I turned round when tnte ita's car wz behind us. I lukd at umar who wz sleeping. Instantly he opened his eyes slowly and stared at me/my direction and i wz like GLEKKKKKKKKKKKK for it wz th most fearful thing tht he's ever done at/to me, even tho it wz pretty cool ._.;;

OK ANYWAY, I RELE G2G DO MY BIO H/W. after i do so, i shall go t sleep. i cant do my geo c/w tday bcuz i dont wanna sleep late. tmorrow i gotta pray again.


To Do:
-Geo c/w which i ddnt even do 2/5 of yet.
-Chemistry paper x.x;;
-fikar's Gaia request
-fajar's drawing request
-secret ;]

*doesnt know how t say it in french xD


plz note tht im actually a very miserable person nowadays, and all th cheerful typing you c in here was just temporary happiness ._.

Saturday, 1 March 2008

turn this upside down - :)

this shall now be my survey journal thingy.

21 mar 08


1. kamu lagi ngapain ?
# ngerjain bulbo

2.kamu capek ga sama kehidupan mu skrg?
# iy

3. apa yang pengen kamu rubah dari
hidup kamu?
# kbnykn

4. Menurut kamu kehidupan kamu skrng
gmn ?
# mnyedihkan + pnuh mslh

5. Kamu punya impian ?
# iy

6. Apa impian hidup kamu ?
# bsa nikah, jdi komikus, hidup lama, bhagia. *amin

7. Siapa orang yang ngasih motivasi
paling besar buat hidup kamu ?
# Nabi Muhammad SAW, dri sndiri

8.kamu pernah ngerasa menyesal dgn
hidup kamu ?
# iylah

9. Apa yang menurut kamu yang paling
indah yang kamu miliki skrg ?
# evrythin gud Allah has given me rite now


1. Cinta sama seseorang ?
# sngt

2. Dicintai sama seseorang ?
# iy

3. Cinta menurut kamu ?
# sulit + indah + suicidal :b

4. Org yang lagi kmu cintai siapa?
# orng yg dsitu

5 . udah berapa lama kamu pacaran sama
dia ?
# g

6. Pertama kali kamu ketemu dia ?
# dah lama

7. Pertama kali kamu ngobrol sama dia ?
# dah lama

8. Kesan pertama yang kamu liat ?
# orngny g kliatan mnyenangkan

9. Kamu suka sebel sama dia ? knp?
# sering bgt karna dia .. cuek, g suka nyoba.

10. Yang kamu suka dari dia?
# bnyk

11. Saat yang paling indah sama dia?
# yg bs taruh/gambar d journal,diary,hp,computer,krtas,buku,kpala, hati.

12. apa yang kamu pengen bilang ke dia
skrg ?
# do i make u happy?


1. Kamu lagi mikirin apa ?
# yg bs lgi pkirin

2. Kamu lagi pengen apa?
# sholat, chatting sma orng yg dsitu

3. Hal terakhir yang mengganggu
pikiran mu ?
# ad deh

4. Yang terakhir kamu makan?
# kue jamoca ato ap gtu

5. Yang terakhir kamu minum ?
# air

6. baju yang kmu pakai ?
# kaos bali sma clana warna olive

7. apa kamu pakai kacamata?
# g

8. Barang koleksi kamu ?
# gambar2an, kaos, komik, diary

9. Merk sepatu yang biasa kamu pakai ?
# tau

10. yang pengen kamu bilang buat semua?
# buat smua? buat smua? 'you all suck so go and save th world' .

20 mar 08

mention 9 names of ur dudes or
whom u know who's in ur mind right
now :

1. hamzah
2. fajar
3. nisa
4. dk
5. farah
6. cania
7. carisa
8. sammy
9. iwan

1. are all of em ur friends?
-- yes

2. do u love 1?
-- uh sure y not?

3. do u think that 3 is cute or
handsome or pretty or whatever?
-- sometimes cute sometimes pretty

4. which one is ur bestfriend?
-- not so sure anymore - 3&7

5. do u have a crush on 9?
-- wt u think? :b

6. so u always keep thinking about 5?
-- ehh no! XD

7. what do u think about 2?
-- nicest, most caring guy i've ever met

8. if u wanna marry someone, u'll
choose :
-- ya th one i like duh :]

9. have u ever kissed 7 on the mouth?

10. if 8 comes to u, first thing u'll
is :
-- run away jokingly? xD

11. ur opinions about 6?
-- she is tres aneh n superb at facial expressions :D

12. does 4 have a boyfriend?
-- lol no

13. the memory that u have with 3 is?
-- gyahha thers like 5+ yrs of memories with her ..

14. if u can meet 5 again, what will u
-- stuff friends do?

15. do u hate 9?
-- no y shud i! i like him :]


1. menurut km cinta itu apa?
** prasaan yg sulit

2. salah gak kalau kita cinta ama
teman kita sendiri?
** sma skali engga

3. km percaya gak bahwa cinta itu bisa
muncul kapan dan dimana pun?
** umm iy

4. Percaya gak cinta itu misteri?
** bgt

5. Yang km lakukan jika lagi jatuh
** suka snyum2 sndiri, hal2 yg bs krjain sma dia slalu mmbuat sneng, ap2 yg manis yg dia blng lgsung buat hti loncat, bla3 XD gtu deh *sappy bgt bs x.x

6. Tanda tanda km kalau jatuh cinta?
** ap ya .. i just know it

7. Cinta membuat km apa?
** sneng + sdih + hopeful kdng2 + confident kdng2

8. Km sukanya perasaan cinta itu di
ungkapkan atau gak perlu?
** prnah sih d ungkapkan, tpi spertiny g prlu lgi

9. Kalau ada yang suka ama km,km
pengennya dia ungkapin rasa yang dia
miliki ama km atau lewat tingkah laku aja?
** tingkah laku aj deh. karna ad lgu tht goes 'Those are all very beautiful words
But actions speak louder , You can say all these beautiful things
But they don't mean nothing
No, they don't mean a thing
Gotta back it up
Don't tell me you love me and act like you don't' - plain white t's : friends dont let friends dial drunk [kykny]

10.Perasaan km hari ini?
** g tau ya .. rada2 sneng tpi disappointed, sdih n confused

11.Apa yang lagi km tunggu2 dalam
waktu dekat ini?
** ap ya .. ?

12.Pengen banget nonton film layar
lebar apa dlm waktu dekat ini?
** uhh .. g tau x.x ap2 aj

13.Jika km menjalin hubungan perlu gak
adanya komitment?
** iy

14.Kalau komunikasi dan rasa percaya
** rasa prcaya sngt penting drpd komunikasi :]

15.Km termasuk tipe pencemburu gak?
** g

17.Kok bisa?
** karna g blh cmburu :]

18.Hidup ini selalu ada pilihan, km
percaya gak?
** iy bgt

19.Km termasuk orang yang gak punya
pendirian gak (plin plan)?
** g

20.Ada gak orang yang km suka akhir2
** bgt

21.Orangnya gimana?
** sholeh baik pinter cakep bla3

22.Kalau orang yang km suka itu
menghilang gimana?
** na'udzhu bila himin zalik . pasrah dah bs - bkl nangis mulu

23.Nah kalau orang itu memberikan
kejutan buat km gimana?
** amin! :] *kjutan yg baik dong :b

24.Menurut km telp atau sms tiap hari
itu perlu gak,kalau ama orang yang km
lagi suka?
** g

25.Lagi bingung gak tentang perasaan
km akhir akhir ini?
** sma skali engga

26.Kalau km ungkapin perasaan suka ama
orang dengan cara apa?
** dgn cara2 yg unik + sweet. :b

27.Trus kalau ternyata orang itu cinta
juga ama km gimana?
** alhamdulillah ?

28.Hobi km apa?
** nggambar main laptop nulis2 mkn

29.Suka dikasih hadiah apa?
** jarang dpt hdiah tuh

30.Suka lagu apa akhir akhir ini?
** yg nge-rock dong

31.Kalau lagi marah km ngapain?
** y, mrh2 , dzikir, tobat, nggambar, nangis kli?


19 Mar 08

tulis nama kamu dan nama dia yang ada
pikiran kamu,,lalu jawab pertanyaan2
dibawah ini...dengan SEJUJUR-

DIA: fajar

1.kenapa kamu tulis nama dia?
* karna dia shabat bs yg saiia sngt kangenin T.T

2.kenapa bukan tulis nama yang lain?
* ntar bs tulis nama orng lain jg ko dont worry

3.dia pacar kamu?
* engga tuh

4.dia mantan kamu?
* g

5.dia gebetan kamu?
* gebetan bs rhasia

6.yang kamu suka dari dia?
* wew bnyk .. his kindness, his generosity, his talent for drawing, his humour, his smile, trus kdng2 dia orng yg suka minta maaf :]

7.yang kamu ga suka dari dia?
* sering g sopan, slalu blng 'so wt', suka marah

8.nama dia di phonebook kamu?
* Fajardo D-evilBlazinKid

9.kenapa kasih nama itu?
* karna .. dri emailny?

10.hal terakhir yg dia lakukan dan buat
kamu senang?
* nunjukkin k bs buku gambarny

11.hal terakhir yg kamu lakukan dan buat
dia senang?
* g tau, ngasih curly fries kli?

12.lagu yg mengungkapkan perasaan kamu
ke dia saat ini?
* simple plan - what if , new found glory - this disaster

13.kapan kalian terakhir ketemu?
* tdi brusan pas maghrib

14.ngapain dan dimana?
* kta brpapasan dket tennis court

15.satu hal yg terlintas pertama kali
kalo denger nama dia disebut?
* umm g tau ya

16.tempat yang sangat ingin kalian
kunjungi bersama?
* kta brdua? tau.

17.3 kata yang menggambarkan dia?
* baik talented cute xD

18.hobi dia apa?
* nggambar, main, game

19.lagu kesukaan dia?
* g tau, lgu jepang dri gundam deh

20.makanan kesukaan?
* bnyk :b

21.minuman kesukaan?
* y g tau

22.kalau kamu diberi kekuatan untuk
berhentiin waktu,apa yang akan kamu
lakukan ke dia?
* hihh ksanny negatip XD bs akan.. g tau, ngobrol aj sma dia

23.kalau kalian jadi tokoh kartun,kamu
mau kalian jadi siapa?
* adik/kka superheros yg rukun XD

24.kalau kamu diberi kesempatan untuk
jadi superhero dan kamu tidak boleh
mengungkapkan identitas kamu ke
siapapun,apakah kamu tetep kasihtau dia?
* -wauu bs bru aj ngetik superhero d prtanyaan sblumny XD- umm, g bkl

25.kalau kamu terdampar di satu pulau
dan hanya berdua dgn dia,apa yg kamu
* paling main2 bareng dlu sblum nyari solusi as t how t leave XD

26.oke.terakhir,apa perasaan kamu ke dia
saat ini?
* wew, bnyk deh

27.paling terakhir,apa harapan kamu
terhadap dia saat ini?
* kta rukun lgi.. T____T *amin

ihahaiha i wanna do it again xD

tulis nama kamu dan nama dia yang ada
pikiran kamu,,lalu jawab pertanyaan2
dibawah ini...dengan SEJUJUR-

KAMU: bs
DIA: hamzah

1.kenapa kamu tulis nama dia?
* karna dia shabat bs jg, kli.

2.kenapa bukan tulis nama yang lain?
* udh tuh tdi - d atas.

3.dia pacar kamu?
* g

4.dia mantan kamu?
* g

5.dia gebetan kamu?
* my crush's a secret

6.yang kamu suka dari dia?
* g ad tuh - hha just kiddin xD . umm, dia baik, jujur, sholeh, enak d ajak ngobrol, cakep :b

7.yang kamu ga suka dari dia?
* wew. dia orngny suka ignorant bgt deh, kyk g pduli sma bs aj. trus dia g bsa blng nama bs jg

8.nama dia di phonebook kamu?
* Hamizakicchi >=D

9.kenapa kasih nama itu?
* itu nickname yg bs ksih k dia sjk taun 2003 kli

10.hal terakhir yg dia lakukan dan buat
kamu senang?
* k clubhouse

11.hal terakhir yg kamu lakukan dan buat
dia senang?
* i have no idea wt i do tht makes him happy anyway

12.lagu yg mengungkapkan perasaan kamu
ke dia saat ini?
* bnyk deh

13.kapan kalian terakhir ketemu?
* tdi sblum maghrib

14.ngapain dan dimana?
* d clubhouse, dia pngen minum kykny - g bgitu liat

15.satu hal yg terlintas pertama kali
kalo denger nama dia disebut?
* -

16.tempat yang sangat ingin kalian
kunjungi bersama?
* kta brdua ? g tau

17.3 kata yang menggambarkan dia?
* sholeh baik pinter

18.hobi dia apa?
* umm, baca, nnton anime, nggambar [kali?]

19.lagu kesukaan dia?
* yg dri d.gray-man deh trus sum41 jg kli

20.makanan kesukaan?
* zinger dri kfc? XD *ngarang

21.minuman kesukaan?
* air kli?

22.kalau kamu diberi kekuatan untuk
berhentiin waktu,apa yang akan kamu
lakukan ke dia?
* ihaiha lgi2 ksanny negatip. g tau, ngobrol aj :]

23.kalau kalian jadi tokoh kartun,kamu
mau kalian jadi siapa?
* umm, ap ya.

24.kalau kamu diberi kesempatan untuk
jadi superhero dan kamu tidak boleh
mengungkapkan identitas kamu ke
siapapun,apakah kamu tetep kasihtau dia?
* engga2

25.kalau kamu terdampar di satu pulau
dan hanya berdua dgn dia,apa yg kamu
* find th way out tgether smbil haffun lah

26.oke.terakhir,apa perasaan kamu ke dia
saat ini?
* bnyk

27.paling terakhir,apa harapan kamu
terhadap dia saat ini?
* smoga dia bhagia sma cwek yg mungkin dsukainy :b well bsically, smoga dia bhagia slalu. n kta slalu saling pduli avec each other. :] *amin


18 mar 08

1. Siapa yang buat kamu senang hari ini
== hamzah. tmn2 skolah.

2. Siapa yang pengen kamu marahiin??
== trent

3. Siapa yang sedang kamu kangenin?
== trent

4. Siapa orang yang ada di deket kamu?
== g ad tuh

5. Siapa orang yang sedang kamu benci?
== g benci siapa2

6. Besok mau pergi sama siapa?
== prgi sma ocha n kluarga nisa

7. Pengen pergi sama siapa?
== tmn2

8. Punya pacar/kecengan siapa namanya?
== joel

9. Terakhir disms siapa?
== kykny sih .. tau

1. Dimana kamu dilahirkan?
== drmh skit

2. Dimana tempat kamu tinggal sekarang?
== doha

3. Dulu tk dimana?
== d bpp

5. Pertama kali sama pacar/gebetan
ktemu dimana?
== d rmhny

6. Dimana kamu sekarang?
== rmh [aih bosen ngetik word ini]

7. Terakhir kali handphone kamu ada
== meja

1. Apa nama panjang kamu?
== syania tifani

2. Apa makanan kesukaan kamu?
== kfc, msakan ibu, es krim, bla3

3. Apa yang kamu ingini sekarang?
== rukun lgi sma ssorng. bsa chat/ngobrol trus sma ssorng. t be happy.

4. Apa hal yang buat kamu seneng?
== hal2 yg buat bs sneng

5. Apa hal yang buat kamu sedih?
== orng2 gendut . *hha

6. Apa yang sedang kamu pikirin
== pngen minum

7. Apa yang lagi pengen kamu lakuin
== mnjwb prtanyaan ini

8. Apa yang kamu lakukan kalo pacar
kamu nyebelin?
== complaain

9. Apa yang kamu lakuin kalo tmen km
berkhianat ?
== wew. sdih, mrh, emo, nangis, bla3

1. Kapan kamu lahir?
== 300692

2. Kapan terakhir jatuh cinta?
== skrng ?

3. Kapan kamu terakhir ke kamar mandi?
== jam 7

4. Kapan terakhir kamu pergi ke
== tdi

5. Kapan terakhir makan?
== 20 minutes ago

1. Kenapa kamu mau kuliah?
== karna pngen tau rsany, mau bljr art sungguh2, dsuruh.

2. Kenapa kamu nama-nya kyk gituh?
== karna dbuat ibu sma pph, got a problem with tht?

3. Kenapa kamu suka ngisi bul-board?
== karna dgn mngisi bulbo saiia bsa mengekspresikan dri. n bcuz im bored.

4. Kenapa kamu mau jadi orang kaya?
== wah2 ko tau bs mau jd orng kaya? karna bsa bli barang2 yg keren

5. Kenapa kamu ga suka tetangga kmu?
== yg mna dlu ?

1) 3 org terpenting dlm hidup lo?
- Nabi Muhammad SAW, mom, dad, orng yg dsitu. *hhi thts 4

2) 3 benda yg lo bawa kemana mana?
- hp, jam tangan [well itu dpake sih], botol minum

3) 3 benda yg selalu ada di mobil lo?
- polpen, carpet, kursi

4) 3 warna favorit?
- biru item ijo

5) 3 makanan favorit?
- kfc mom's stuff es krim

6) 3 minuman favorit?
- water, tea, some juice

7) 3 super hero favorit?
- not into superheros :b

8) 3 tokoh kartun favorit?
- kamina, sasuke, daffy duck.

9) 3 kegiatan favorit?
- nggambar, nulis, ngetik

10) 3 temen kelas favorit?
- sammy, madusa, shaza

11) 3 hal yg lo pikirin setelah bangun
- doa bngun tidur, sholat, tidur lgi


1.Most embarrassing childhood memory?
: hmmh .. i dont remember any at all - actually wait .. i remember th time i went t th toilet in rangga n lia's house n rangga peeped at me -o-;; i cried XD is tht embarassing? tau ah.

2.Best experience of your life so far?
: being muslim .. being able t live in Qatar.. and.. meet some rele great ppl here and .. being able t draw :]

3.Prefer hanging out with guys or
: girls, i guess, bt guys r fun too - only more when we're mixed

4.Your weakness?
: uhh.. stuff abt care.. i easily cry bcuz of tht matter x.x *oh yes and dont forget hot guys :]

5.Something you wished you could change
about your physical appearance?
: my acne problem - my teeth .. thts all.

6.If you could be a superhero, who
would you be?
: hmmh - id be a new superhero ;b

7.Dance, sing, or act?
: acting is much better off for me than SINGING XD let alone DANCING! wth xD

8.The most precious object in your
room? Why?
: drawings by me and various friends .. bcuz they mean a lot t me :]

9.Best place you’ve been to?
: Qatar, USA, umm .. wher else? im quite a traveller so i cant rele choose XD

10.Describe your perfect prince
charming in 5 words.
: alim - honest - loyal - nice - nttt. [nice t talk to XD]

11.Saddest day of your life?
: nearly evryday so far since feb 2008

12.If you could rewind time, what would
you change?
: only Allah has control over time, ty

13.Do you consider yourself as good or
: oh, im very gud .. its just bcuz of other ppl tht make me bad.

14.Favorite chocolate?
: AFTER EIGHT 8) its been forever since i ate tht! hhe, its mint ;D

15.A ritual you do before you go to
: turn on my night light then lamp then check mobile t set alarm, fiddle with pillows, pray, think.

16.Song of a lifetime?
: weww! hard one! ive always liked .. @_____@;; ahh susah.

17.Favorite word at the moment?
: depression

18.Describe your pose in front of the
: smile, peace, stand.

19.What’s your star sign? What does it
say about you?
: cancer - it says im emotional, and crabby, and caring. so true dammit

20.Final question. Do you like
answering these questions? Rate it from
: YES! id like t answer more actually 8] 9


SbLm NgiSi BulBo iniy....
PikirIn duLu dEh nAmA satU cowo/cewe
gebetan kamu or yang menarik buat
kamu, no Family, no Ex..

udah apa beloommm?????

kalo udahhhh

let's answer the following question ^^

1. cakep/jelek ?

2. bisa main alat musik ?

3. main alat apa?
ad deh

4. berduit gak?
g tau XD

5. kaca mata or tidak?

6. seumuran apa lebih tua atow muda?
hihi g mau blng :b

7. romantic?
engga deh

g tauu!

9. smoker or non-smoker ??
non-smoker alhamdulillah *trlalu muda jg dia

10. tatooo ???

11. suara nya bagus gak ??
suara nyanyi ato suara biasa?

12. bawel ??

13. suka baca buku??

14. seagama / beda agama??

15. seberapa jauh kamu tertarik/suka
sama dia?
wew, he's my no.6 ya know

16. dia memenuhi kriteria kamu??
umm, basically

17. dia suka kamu or not??
g tau, tpi amin2 aj :]

18. kamu yakin bisa dapetin/jadi sama
insyaAllah .. ? *amin2 xbkan pcaran tpi! deh

19. kalo iya kenapa?
cmn bsa brdoa

20. kalo nggak?

21. playboy or playgirl ?

22. kalo nyetir kebut2an enggak??
g nyetir

23. emosi nya stabil ??
spertiny ?

24. hari ini bakal ketemu sama dia?

25. ada janjian kemana mana gak?

26. sudah sms dia?

27. sudah dibalas?

28. biasanya kalo weekend suka kemana?
kta brdua? kaifa? xD

29. itu bikin kamu terharu?
ha ? engga

30. kalo malam ini dia ajak pergi,
kamu mau?
g bkl ah

31. kemana?

32. uda jatuh cinta ni?
iy lah

33. sayang banget donk?
sngt sngt sngt

34. abis ini kamu mau ngapain?
sholat kli

35. kmn?
kmr md

36. ya uda de kamu brangkat sana..
umm ntar deh msi ad bbrp bulbo lgi

37. salam ya ke cewe yang km maksud...
CWEK? cwok !

38. bye...


16 Mar 08

1. Best place to cry
= my home ._.

2. The thing you love the most
= gtau

3. Tell us your dream last night
= i only remember th part when a teacher slapped shaza til she fell off her chair, then she stood up and started bashing him and prhaps stabbin him with a knife .. she lukd cool :b

4. Ever hate someone so bad?
= maybe

5. The biggest lie you've heard?
= 'i care' - well not exactly HEARD..

6. Ever lied to someone you love the
= dont think so

7. What's the worst thing you've ever
= wahh2.. i dunno

8. Wanna be someone else than your
= no

9. Ever slapped someone?
= i think

10. Last time u cried?
= either yesterday or th day bfore

11. Biggest crush?
= th one i have now

12. Last mall you went to?
= umm .. forgot

13. Last club you went to?
= x

14. Last favourite indonesia song that
you've heard?
= dewa19 - elang xD

15. Last person who hates you?
= fajar kali

16. Biggest lie you said?
= dont remember

17. Who do u think is the most
ambiguous person u know?
= ambiguous? hmmm.. i have no idea.. umar? :b arya?

18. What do u want to eat right now?
= nothin

19. Where you at?
= home

20. Have you EVER failed a subject at
= insyaAllah never will *and never had

21. What's on your mind right now?
= *sigh* stuff.

22. Honestly, who are you chatting
online right now?
= abid

23. What is it that you REALLY should
be doing right now?
= h/w

24. Have you brushed your teeth today?
= yes

25. Who are your best friends in the
= nisa, carisa . farah kali? cania kali? leila msi kali? rula jg kli..

26. Honestly who do you think is the
hottest person alive?
= aiih , i wanna blush x//x . someone x]

27. Honestly, are you a good friend?
= i shud be

28. Honestly, do you really think going
to school is important?
= uhh some subjects

29. Honestly, who makes you happy most
of the time?
= Allah, nisa, .. someone else

30. Honestly, what makes you so sad
about right now?
= my situation with someone .. who im not rele sure cares abt me too ..

31. Honestly, how old are you now?
= 15

32. Honestly, what song are you
listening to right now?
= somethin on Vh1, i dunno th name

33. Honestly, who do you want to see at
this very moment?
= hamzah

34. Honestly, where do you like to be
= do i like? i dunno. i dont like bein kissed at all =\

35. Honestly, do you have a deadly
experience ?
= op corse

36. Honestly, do you hate someone
right now?
= just mad at tht person

37. Honestly, who/what do you wanna
= i dunno.. nothin ..


15 Mar 08

[x] I am shorter than 5'4.
[x] I think I'm ugly sometimes.
[x] I have many scars.
[ ] I tan easily.
[ ] I wish my hair was a different color.
[ ] I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color.
[ ] I have a tattoo.
[x] I am self-conscious about my appearance.
[ ]I have/I've had braces.
[ ] I wear glasses.
[ ] I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free.
[ ] I've been told I'm attractive by a complete stranger.
[ ] I have more than 2 piercing.
[ ] I have piercing in places besides my ears.
[ ] I have freckles.

Family/Home Life
[ ] I've sworn at my parents.
[ ] I've run away from home.
[ ] I've been kicked out of the house.
[x] My biological parents are together.
[ ] I have a sibling less than one year old.
[x] I want to have kids someday.
[ ] I've had children.
[ ] I've lost a child.

[x] I'm in school
[ ] I have a job
[x] I've fallen asleep at work/school
[x] I almost always do my homework.
[x] I've missed a week or more of school.
[ ] I've been on the Honor Roll within the last 2 years.
[ ] I failed more than 1 class last year
[ ] I've stolen something from my job.
[ ] I've been fired.

[x] I've slipped out an "lol" in a spoken conversation. [i always do!]
[ ] Disney movies still make me cry.
[ ] I've peed from laughing.
[x] I've snorted while laughing.
[x] I've laughed so hard I've cried.
[x] I've glued my hand to something.
[ ] I've had my pants rip in public.

[ ] I was born with a disease/impairment
[ ] I've gotten stitches/staples
[ ] I've broken a bone
[ ] I've had my tonsils removed.
[x] I've sat in a doctor’s office/emergency room with a friend.
[ ] I've had my wisdom teeth removed.
[ ] I had a serious surgery.
[x] I've had chicken pox.

[ ] I've driven over 200 miles in one day.
[x] I've been on a plane.
[ ] I've been to Canada.
[ ] I've been to Mexico.
[x] I've been to Niagara Falls.
[ ] I've been to Japan.
[x] I've celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans.
[x] I've been to Europe.
[x] I've been to Africa.

[ ] I've gotten lost in my city.
[x] I've seen a shooting star.
[ ] I've wished on a shooting star
[ ] I've seen a meteor shower.
[x] I've gone out in public in my pajamas.
[ ] I've pushed all the buttons on an elevator.
[ ] I've kicked a guy where it hurts.
[ ] I've been to a casino.
[ ] I've been skydiving.
[ ] I've gone skinny dipping.
[x] I've played spin the bottle.
[ ] I've drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour.
[ ] I've crashed a car.
[ ] I've been Skiing.
[ ] I've been in a play.
[ ] I've met someone in person from myspace.
[x] I've caught a snowflake on my tongue. [maybe]
[ ] I've seen the Northern lights.
[ ] I've sat on a roof top at night.
[ ] I've played chicken.
[x] I've played a prank on someone.
[x] I've ridden in a taxi.
[ ] I've seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
[ ] I've eaten sushi.
[ ] I've been snowboarding.

[x] I'm single.
[ ] I'm in a relationship.
[ ] I'm engaged.
[ ] I'm married.
[ ] I've gone on a blind date.
[ ] I've been the dumped more than the dumper.
[x] I miss someone right now.
[x] I have a fear of abandonment.
[ ] I've gotten divorced.
[x] I've had feelings for someone who didn't have them back.
[ ] I've told someone I loved them when I didn't.
[ ] I've told someone I didn't love them when I did.
[ ] I've kept something from a past relationship.

[ ] I've had a crush on someone of the same sex.
[ ] I've had a crush on a teacher.
[ ] I am a cuddler.
[ ] I've been kissed in the rain.
[ ] I've hugged a stranger.
[ ] I have kissed a stranger.

[ ] I've done something I promised someone else I wouldn't. [insyaAllah]
[x] I've done something I promised myself I wouldn't. [u__u;;]
[x] I've snuck out of my house.
[ ] I have lied to my parents about where I am.
[x] I am keeping a secret from the world.
[x] I've cheated while playing a game.
[ ] I've cheated on a test.
[ ] I've run a red light.
[ ] I've been suspended from school.
[ ] I've witnessed a crime.
[ ] I've been in a fist fight.
[ ] I've been arrested.

[ ] I've consumed alcohol.
[ ] I regularly drink.
[ ] I've passed out from drinking.
[ ] I have passed out drunk at least once in the past 6 months.
[ ] I've smoked weed
[ ] I've taken painkillers when I didn't need them.
[ ] I've eaten shrooms.
[ ] I've popped E.
[ ] I've inhaled Nitrous.
[ ] I've done hard drugs.
[ ] I have cough drops when I'm not sick.
[ ] I can't swallow pills.
[ ] I can swallow about 5 pills at a time no problem
[ ] I have been diagnosed with clinical depression.
[ ] I have been diagnosed with one or more anxiety disorder.
[x] I shut others out when I'm depressed.
[ ] I take anti-depressants.
[ ] I'm anorexic or bulimic.
[ ] I've slept an entire day when I didn't need it.
[ ] I've hurt myself on purpose.
[x] I've woken up crying.

Death and Suicide
[x] I'm afraid of dying.
[ ] I hate funerals.
[ ] I've seen someone dying.
[ ] Someone close to me has attempted suicide.
[ ] Someone close to me has committed suicide.
[x] I've planned my own suicide. [dont worry i ddnt mean it -o-]
[ ] I've attempted suicide.
[ ] I've written a eulogy for myself.

[ ] I own over 5 rap CDs.
[x] I own an iPod or MP3 player.
[x] I have an unhealthy obsession with anime/manga.
[ ] I own multiple designer purses, costing over $100 a piece.
[ ] I own something from Hot Topic.
[ ] I own something from Pac Sun.
[x] I collect comic books.
[ ] I own something from The Gap.
[ ] I own something I got on e-bay.
[x] I own something from Abercrombie.

[ ] I can sing well.
[ ] I've stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant.
[ ] I open up to others easily. You ask me a question I'm most likely going to answer it.
[x] I watch the news.
[ ] I don't kill bugs.
[ ] I hate hearing songs that sacrifice meaning for the sake of being able to rhyme.
[ ] I curse regularly.
[ ] I sing in the shower.
[x] I am a morning person.
[ ] I paid for my cell phone ring tone.
[x] I'm a snob about grammar.
[ ] I am a sports fanatic.
[ ] I twirl my hair.
[x] I have "x"s in my screen name.
[x] I love being neat.
[x] I love Spam
[ ] I've copied more than 30 CD's in a day.
[ ] I bake well.
[x] My favorite color is either white, yellow, pink, red or blue
[x] I've worn pajamas to school.
[ ] I like Martha Stewart.
[x] I know how to shoot a gun
[x] I am in love with love.
[ ] I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS.
[x] I laugh at my own jokes.
[ ] I eat fast food weekly.
[x] I believe in ghosts.

[ ] I am online 24/7, even as an away message.
[ ] I've not turned anything in and still got an A in a certain class.
[ ] I can't sleep if there is a spider in the room.
[x] I am really ticklish.
[x] I love white chocolate
[ ] I bite my nails.
[x] I play video games.
[x] I'm good at remembering faces.
[x] I'm good at remembering names.
[x] I'm good at remembering dates.
[ ] I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.

[x] All of those are answered honestly


3 Mar 08

1. If your doctor told you TODAY that
you were pregnant, what would you say?
. na'udzhu bilah himin zalik .. x.x

2. Do you trust all of your friends?
. no

3. Would you move to another state or
country to be with the one you love?
. yes sure ._.

4. Do you believe that everything
happens for a reason?
. hmmmh .. if Allah says so ..

5. Last 3 SMSes
. dont remember

6. Which one of your friends do you
think would make the best doctor?
. i have noo idea 0.0

7. Are you afraid of falling in love?
. y shud i when i already am

9. Is there someone who pops into your
mind at random times?
. hmmh, yes.

10. Do you have a scar?
. lots

11. When was the last time you flew in
a plane?
. umm.. september 7 i think

12. What did the last text message you
sent say?
. *shrugs*

13. What physical features do you find
most attractive in the opposite sex?
. smile or hair

14. Fill in the blank. I love:
. Allah

15. What r the goals you would like to
accomplish in the near future?
. finish geo coursework, pass iGCSEs [super amin amin amiin], go t canada for uni insyaAllah :], get married afterwards, have kids, hha

16. If you were to wake up from being
in a coma for 5 years who would you
. parents, bt na'udzhu bilah himin zalik anyway

17. How many kids do you want to have?
. 3-5 :b

18. Would you make a good parent?
. yes, amin. ;]

19. Where was your default picture
. *FS: clubhouse

20. Do you like your name?
. yeah its unique bt i hate ppl who pronounce it like 'Sayania' or wtever cz wherthf dd they get th SAY part!

21. Honestly, whats on your mind right
. WHAT? WHAT? HE is not a what. he is a nearly everything.

22. If you could go back in time and
change something, what would it be?
. no thanks ..

23. Do you prefer a guitarist,
vocalist, or drummer in a band?
. hmmh, vocalist i guess. joel <3

27 Feb 08

1. Happy?
. earlier on in th day, yeah

2. When was the last time you went
. this afternoon

3. What was the last movie you saw?
. juno i think

4. The last place you went?
. school

5. Missing someone?
. yeah sure wtever

6. What made you smile today?
. fajar's kindness

7. Are you scared to fall in love?
. i already have

9. Ever thought you were in love?
. i was, n i am

10. What is your status right now?
. single

11. Did you dream last night?
. i think i did

12. What were you doing this morning
at 7 am?
. walkin to th classroom upstairs

13. What were you doing this morning
at 10 am?
. havin an english lesson with my fave. teacher mr.eyre har2

15. Name a country you want to visit
. germany

17. Do you have a tattoo?
. no

18. What was the last thing you ate?
. burger king :b

19. Last thing you drank?
. water

21. Do you have a nick name?
. no, i have a lot

22. One thing you do everyday?
. think profound thots

23. Are you a type of person who
easily gets hurt?
. thts me

24. The last thing you said to one of
your friends?
. 'mksih lgi ya jar'

27. Rate your day 1-10.
. 4.5

28. Did anything exciting happen
. hmmh .. nothing in particular no

31. Type something that is on your
. th friend tht never left me

32. How many things in your past do
you regret?
. probably abt 6, no less.

33. Do you have a best friend?
. i wonder if i do.

34 . What do you want to be when you
grow up?
. a wife with a lovely husband n amazing children workin her comics at home . amin.

35.What's up for tomorrow?
. another 5 hrs of pure school misery, n kempo, [amin amin amin] .

36. What are you listening to right
. one republic - stop & Stare